Hey guys ugh... its so much going on in my life right now... I don't know where to start to update you guys.
let me start by telling you guys my most exciting news to date... Yesterday I ATTENDED MY 1ST DAY BACK AT COSMETOLOGY SCHOOL!!!Yay!!!! I had so much fun but after a long day at work and then heading straight to school I was super tired by the end. (still am lol) I intended to have pics of my 1st day, but with all the excitement it totally slipped my mind. Don't worry I plan to take pics from this day forward. I also plan (by the end of the week) to take a pic of my kit and share with you all the goodies that I received.
I would have to say my 1st day went pretty smooth... when everyone arrived we went back to one of the classrooms to go over our student handbook, set up our account and to just get to know each other better. That took about 2.5 hours. After all of that was completed, we were then able to join in with the previous class (that enrolled 8 weeks before us) so that they could help us unpack our kits. at this point we were instructed to put our name on EVERYTHING as we went over what everything was and how it is used. by the end of doing that it was time to go and please believe me when I say, I was so overwhelmed that I was ready to get out of there. Overall I think I had a very good day and I'm sure that I'm going to like this school, the people are awesome (so far) and it seems like I'm going to be learning a lot in the coming months. Only time will tell.
In other news, I'm still trying to get my health together. I know I have been slacking, by eat more fast food then I need to be eating and also little or no exercises at all. I can say that I'm doing really well at remembering to take my medication so I'm thinking that helps kinda balance me out. we all know i have my good days and my bad days... that just a given. I'm continually taking it one day at a time in hopes that one day I will beat diabetes. PRAYER WORKS!
Speaking of PRAYER, I went to church this past Sunday (i really needed it.) My relationship with God is so important to me. but like all humans I sometimes fall short. ( Romans 3:23: for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God) Going to church every Sunday is one of those things that I am working on. I am fully aware of how important it is for me to be in church on Sundays to help me to grow closer with the lord... but I still struggle. Only thing i can say is prayer is the key. If any of you out there that is reading this and you feel like you fall in the same category... just know you are not alone. feel free to reach out to God and talk to him... he hears your prayers. Always remember God is a patient & forgiving God.
God loves you, and so do I!
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control.
2 Tim 1:7